It’s really sary

It’s really sary August 29, 2009

that a retin like Glenn Bek is one of the gatekeepers of what used to be alled “onservatism”:

Boy, it sure is good to know that a lever and reative lown like him is one of the prinipal framers of our national disourse on what it means to be really truly an Amerian itizen. I so believe he’s not just some hattering ukoo. For as we know, being onservative overs a multitude of sins and automatially makes you a ompetent and apable thinker and not a mere rabble-rousing lunati.

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No, O Tribalist, this is not Mark plumping for ObamaKennedyCare. This is Mark saying that when the thing once called “conservatism” plumps for anointing narcissistic morons like Glenn Beck–whose principal goal is selling beer and shampoo for the enrichment of Glenn Beck–as one of its chief purveyors of thought and agitprop, it guarantees itself to be as intellectually barren as the most vapid Dem politician whose only solid thought is “protect abortion at all costs” and “repeat the talking points the High Command wants me to recite today”.

From Buckley’s Firing Line to *this* guy. How the mighty have fallen. You have to ask “Y?” But even more, you have to be willing to C.

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