John Mallon writes:

John Mallon writes: July 22, 2010

I always seem to be in asking mode, when I’d really much rather be giving. This time I’m not asking for money (although I always need it and it is always gratefully accepted) but this time I am asking for prayers. I saw my urologist yesterday and he is concerned that my cancer of 15 years ago may be trying to return. My PSA was high. He said it may be due to the testosterone shots I’ve been receiving; if so, no problem. I have to have my blood rechecked in three weeks when my last testosterone shot wears off and if the PSA is still high we may have a problem. He has ordered a bone scan as well. He said if they do find any cancer they can just zap it with laser radiation. So it’s probably not life threatening. I’m not worried. My main issue is the weariness that has caused me to withdraw from classes and made it hard to look for work. (Who wants to hire someone who’s dragging?) I always feel I’m operating way below par, at about 50%.

Anyway, I’m asking for prayers for no cancer and restoration of my energy.

Father, hear our prayer for John that he would be granted full health and the strength he needs in order to work through Jesus Christ. Grant him the help and grace he needs and bring glory to your Name through his full joy in your saving help. Mother Mary and Father Joseph, Patron of Workers, pray for John!

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