Brandon Vogt writes:

Brandon Vogt writes: March 21, 2011

Because I’ve acquired so many duplicate books, each week I pick one (or more) to give away at The Thin Veil (you can find a list of past giveaways here.) The winners are drawn at random, and the items are shipped absolutely free, no strings attached.

This week I’m giving away a copy of your fabulous book, By What Authority?: An Evangelical Discovers Catholic Tradition, and I thought some of your readers might be interested. If so, they can enter the drawing here.

Thanks! Grace and peace!

I’m all for people reading fabulous books. If Brandon hasn’t yet managed to give it away, go for it! If he has, you can still get copies of it from me here, though I’m not giving it away since my children keep insisting I feed them every day.

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