The Thirsty Gargoyle…

The Thirsty Gargoyle… July 21, 2011

…with whom I had the honor of slaking my thirst in the good old Irish way when I was in Dublin a few years back, writes:

I’ve been blogging a bit again of late, on all sorts of topics as ever, and it struck me that it might be worthwhile giving you a heads-up on two posts from the weekend, both relating to the Cloyne Report at home:

The first post is my own thoughts; the second is mainly Archbishop Martin’s homily from Sunday morning. Feel free to link and quote as you see fit.

I’ll write again on the topic later in the week, basing it on a letter I wrote to our Taoiseach — Prime Minister — over the weekend. There’s a lot of nonsense being talked about teh Vatican having undermined the State, and the Government’s talking of making illegal the inviolabity of the Confessional seal. I don’t think that’ll happen, as I suspect that doing so would be unnecessary, unconstitutional, unenforceable, and profoundly damaging, but anyway, you’ll see why when I write. I just need to redact and reshape the letter so it becomes a piece about things that are worth saying. Maybe Wednesday or so, I guess.

I confess I haven’t had time to follow events in Ireland beyond the most minimal impression from headlines. The general narrative appears to be “Rank gross mishandling of abuse by corrupt/stupid bishops prompts draconian overreach by anti-catholic pols who would love to destroy the Church”. But that generally always seems to be the narrative. Beyond, I’ve just been too busy to offer more than a passing glance.

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