
Ever-Vigilant…. September 1, 2011

Against the sins of joy, hope, and love, Tradition in Action continues to expose the horrors of joyful, happy, Christ-filled young people who are not bitter, wizened prunes of resentment and cold rage like themselves.

Online Reactionary Catholics: the single greatest enemies of the Extraordinary Form and the Benedictine reforms on Planet Earth. Why they imagine any sane person would wish to join such a poisonous, joyless, loveless subculture as theirs is a complete mystery to me. Indeed, I sometimes fancy they are deliberately trying to make sure as few as possible are saved.

If I didn’t know actually Traditionalists in real life who were not joyful, happy, contented Catholics with magnetically joyous families I would not touch Traditionalism with a barge pole. Its online manifestation needs a serious overhaul.

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