Prayer Request and Praise Report

Prayer Request and Praise Report September 14, 2011

A reader writes:

First, I would like to thank you again for you and your readers’ prayers for my brother Daniel. After he broke his back, we feared he would never walk again. I’m happy to report that he has made a near 100% recovery! Alleluia!
On a more somber note though, I would like to ask you and your readers to pray for our father. He lost his job a while back, and has not had any success in finding another one. This has put a heavy burden on our mother, especially since they lost their home last year to a foreclosure. Please keep my parents, Richard and Monica in your prayers.

Father, thank you for hearing our prayers for Daniel. All praise and glory to you through your Son Jesus Christ! We ask that you would help Richard and Monica through this trial and bring them to a home on earth and ultimately in Heaven through the same Christ our Lord. Mother Mary and St. Joseph, help your servant Richard to find work and grant them and all who love them grace, mercy, peace and strength through Christ our Lord. Amen.

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