Prayer Requests

Prayer Requests March 29, 2012

By the way, before we address the prayer requests, there is a new site up devoted to prayer called Pray Catholic. Check it out!

A reader writes to ask for prayer for a person they know who is detoxing after several years of heroin addiction.

Father, hear our prayer that this person be empowered by your Spirit to get clean and find new life and joy through the grace and help of Jesus Christ. Mother Mary, pray for this person.

Another reader writes from Britain (this past Tuesday, I’m just now plowing through my mail):

Do you remember the astonishment we felt when we heard how many abortion clinics were closing after the prayer and fasting of the 40 days campaigns in America? and I wonder if you felt, as I did, “Well, I can’t imagine how that could ever happen here… they are financially independent so their business model is secure with NHS funding…”

However, on 22nd February the 40 days for life campaign began… on 23rd Feb this news first broke in the Telegraph – in addition to which it has been found that abortion providers are offering abortions on the grounds of gender. This could mean, the Health Secretary states, that abortion providers could be stripped of their licenses.

Could this be the crack in their fortress? Let’s keep praying and hoping because so many women, families and children are at risk from the false solution that is abortion.

You may want to listen to Reannon’s story on the Care Confidential website at the bottom of this page – or share resources such as Stand Up Girl, on the website (which stands for Abortion Recovery Care and Helpline).

I’d also like to ask for your prayers for Wisdom and protection and peace as I have been asked to represent 40 Days for Life on Woman’s Hour this wednesday. The programme begins at 10am but I’m not sure what time I’ll be on or who exactly will be on the panel representing the pro-abortionists. Robert tells me it will be a tough gig, so I do ask for your support.

This could be a moment of possibility, and this is after all the FEAST day of the ANNUNCIATION. Let’s pray for a new Pentecost for our nation because there is hope!

Father, we pray for an end to the scourge of abortion in England, and we pray that this reader’s talk went well and that you gave her the wisdom and grace to do it well. Mary, seat of wisdom and Mother of the Unborn, pray for her. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen.

Another reader writes:

I’m generally uncomfortable with asking people to pray for me (it seems so . . . selfish), and I hope I am not interrupting you as you write, but my husband specifically requested I activate the “Prayer Brigade” today. For the last three years his firm has been treating him poorly (others in the industry are appalled when they hear about some of the things they have done), and for most of those three years he has been looking for a better job. Well, this afternoon he has a third interview with a much nicer, better, humane firm that seems to like him. Please pray that the interview goes well and that he gets the job — we really need for him to get this job, for the sake of his (and our) finances, stress levels, and general well-being. It would also allow us to eventually help other people in our families, which I’m dying to do. Thanks!

Father, grant that justice and mercy be given to this man in his work situation and that your provision for his family and the dignity of good work be poured out through our Lord Jesus on him. Mother Mary and St. Joseph, pray for them!

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