Best Facebook Entry of the Month

Best Facebook Entry of the Month June 25, 2012

So Leah Libresco sends this along (and I must say she gives a terrific interview):

Then, scrolling down her Facebook page, I find somebody sending along this piece: “Jesse Ventura: ‘I’m An Atheist. And I’m Proud To Say It” and remarking, “Man, what a shitty trade for Team Atheist.”

Yes. I did, in fact, laugh out loud.

Speaking of Leah, by the by, I’ve decided that if Joss Whedon could ink a deal with the BBC where they kill off Neil Patrick Harris and Matt Smith and then regenerate their characters as Doctor Whorrible, with Leah in the lead, the whole world would prostrate itself at her feet, begging “What must we do to be saved?” Think of it: The Apostle to the Geeks!

For Whovians demand signs and Geeks seek wisdom, but we preach Christ crucified, a stumbling block to Whos and folly to Geeks, but to those who are called, both Whos and Geeks, Christ the power of God and the wisdom of God.

In all seriousness though, the main thing she can use is your prayers. It’s an awful spotlight that’s gotten turned on her (one she neither sought nor expected) and nobody should have to endure such glare when they are trying to come to grips with the claims of Jesus. I hope, for her sake, it dies down soon and she can get on with the business of getting to know Jesus. There’s a reason Saul of Tarsus was sent packing to Antioch to go learn the ropes of the faith in peace and quiet for nearly a decade before he was sent on his mission. People need room to breathe, pray and think. I pray for Leah that she gets that.

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