William Briggs, Statistician to the Stars…

William Briggs, Statistician to the Stars… October 24, 2012

has a great account of the Rally for Religious Liberty in San Francisco. The Church is greatly blessed in her faithful children. She is even more greatly blessed in her ridiculous enemies. That does not change, by the way, even when her enemies get strong enough to kill her children. Rob them of their power to kill and who is sillier than the Nazis? Render him impotent of his destructive might and who is more ridiculously tedious than some doctrinaire Commie bore? The Day will someday arrive–that Great and Terrible Day–when the Hitlers and Stalins and other men of brutal power will have to hear, for the rest of eternity, the worst doom they can imagine (though not the worst doom there is): the laughter of their victims. And it won’t even be be laughter at them. It will be the laughter of a gladness that has entirely forgotten them and their power to inflict horrors, swallowed up in the Joy. Tiny foreshadows of it are visible in these goofy encounters betwween failed Sister Boom Boom scene-stealers and people who keep their eyes on God.

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