Five Sources to Detox from…

Five Sources to Detox from… November 8, 2012

…if you wish to escape from the veil of unreality Movement Conservatism has woven for itself and begin to treat with reality.

And, in particular, if you want to treat with reality and get your news mainly or exclusively from FOX, you should realize that they are, more than any other single source, the people responsible for making the right stupid. Find other sources to balance out the amazing stream of disinformation they create. And before you say it, yes, I realize Alternet is a ritually impure source for “conservatives”. That’s kinda my point. Listen to voices outside the Bubble of Unreality in which the Right largely lives. This is called “thinking critically”. Then look at things in light of the teaching of holy Church and see which pieces of human wisdom and tradition line up with the Church.

Unless you want to keep living in unreality–and losing.

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