How Things Work in the World of Discernment-Free Conservative Folk Hero Worship

How Things Work in the World of Discernment-Free Conservative Folk Hero Worship January 29, 2013

If a priest is a Sacrosanct Cult Figure who misbehaves, then the screams are “Touch not God’s Anointed!” If, however, the Sacrosanct Cult Figure is a lay Real Catholic blowhard who spends *virtually all* his time bashing bishops (who are, you may recall, priests too), then we are to understand that any questioning of his demagogic methods is an attempt to crush a Prophetic Voice who is bravely speaking truth to corrupt power.

If you are a visual learner, Tom Kreitzberg provides this useful graphic:

So when Fr. Corapi betrays his vows and tries to grift his flock after a decade of lying about his military exploits (among other fabulisms), any attempt to point this out is an Assault on a Holy Priest by a layman who is not worthy to untie his sandals.

But when Michael Voris accuses Fr. Corapi’s bishop (and a nameless and numberless host of other bishops) of being part of a shadowy gay cabal bent on destroying Fr. Corapi, that’s not attacking God’s Anointed. That’s courageously speaking truth to power and confronting those wolves in shepherd’s clothing who have betrayed the Faith!

Some of my readers think that the point of posts like this is to be mean and pick on Corapi and Voris.

No. It’s to try to get Discernment-Free Conservative Folk Hero Worshippers to get a clue about the folly of their Folk Hero Worship and its highly selective and inconsistent approach to tribal loyalties.

Suggestion:  Pray even for Thems.  Exercise discernment even with Us’ns.

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