Interesting Question

Interesting Question April 11, 2013

A reader writes:

Do you know of any authors, modern day priest scientists or writers who have pondered or written of a historical fiction approach to the Creation of Man/Fall story? Something that still follows Church teaching on the matter, but is more historical than Genesis? Something that might account for fossil records of early man, evolutionary progression up to Homo Sapien and some ensoulment event?

If not, do you have any thoughts on this?

Forgive me if your creation beliefs are outside of a continually God directed creation that allows for evolution. I’ve just pondered this and thought of you as the first likely candidate to ask.

Peace sir and keep up the good blog work. I don’t always agree with you, but I have had to reconsider many a political topic based on your tenderly dark lordly writings.

It’s not so much fiction as informed speculation, but the smartest take I’ve read on the matter comes from the marvelously erudite and readable Michael Flynn in his class essay Adam and Eve and Ted and Alice.

My own attempts to noodle the matter are here.

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