Hey! All you Peeps of St. Thomas’ Posse!

Hey! All you Peeps of St. Thomas’ Posse! February 11, 2014

Note to readers: The title is written in Gritty Urban Youth Slang so that I can “be keepin’ it real”. It is so important for Catholic writers to keep their finger on the pulse of contemporary trends, “yo”. St. Thomas was all about being as fashionable as possible. His Tantum Ergo was No. 1 with bullet in 1272.

But I digress.

The Dominican School of Philosophy and Theology in Oakland, CA writes:

Hatred in the Light of Love: A Thomistic Analysis” by Diana Fritz-Cates PhD. Please join us for the Annual DSPT Aquinas Lecture on Wednesday, March 12 at 7:30 pm at 2301 Vine Street in Berkeley. Will be available via Livestream. www.dspt.edu/aquinaslecture2014.

Mark your calendars, “homies” and let St. Thomas “rock your world”.

Yes, I believe can actually *feel* myself becoming more relevant and “groovy” as the kids say today. I must leave now and go purchase much polyester and wide lapels.

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