Jan Here. In the words of Uncle Billy, “I’m all right! I’m alllllll right!”

Jan Here. In the words of Uncle Billy, “I’m all right! I’m alllllll right!” June 19, 2015

Thank you all so very much for your prayers and support.

Apparently the goo in our eyes thickens and clumps with age. For most people it is an unnoticed event.I had to tear a blood vessel in the process (which accounts for the streams of black across my left vision field). The concern was that my retina had torn or was tearing as well. The specialist said not only that my retina was fine, but also that the blood (and dark lines) would go away over the course of the summer (a grace I had not hoped for). So I stand by this morning’s opening psalm (32:10): He who trusts in the Lord,loving mercy surrounds him. And I rejoice in the gospel (If your eye is sound, your whole body will be full of light). Thanks for being my light source in this scary moment.

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