Jeb Bush Throws a Bit of Red Meat to the Torture-Loving GOP Base

Jeb Bush Throws a Bit of Red Meat to the Torture-Loving GOP Base August 20, 2015

Sends a clear signal that he’s open to reviving the Chamber of Horrors his brother’s Administration established. The mortal sin of Torture is a Core Value for the Anti-Abortion-but-Not-Prolife Party (you remember? The Party that still looks to Ann Coulter as a Valued Pundit when she says Trump could perform abortions in the White House for all she care, because she adores his hatred of Latinos so much). That party loves torture so much they continue to press for it even though it is a matter of record that it does not work and is counter-productive–and despite (or is it because of?) the horrors revealed by the Senate Report.

Sin makes you stupid.

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