Lori Pieper of the Pope John Paul I Association writes…

Lori Pieper of the Pope John Paul I Association writes… September 30, 2015

As the Church gears up for the Jubilee Year of Mercy, I can’t resist asking you to share with your readers an initiative we of the Pope John Paul I Association have started in regard to it, and that is: To promote the teaching of Servant of God John Paul I on Mercy in the coming year. Andrea Tornielli of Vatican Insider was way ahead of us on this. I translated his article on the mercy of God in Papa Luciani on our website. (https://popejpi.org/ index.php/the-mercy-of-god-explained-by-albino-luciani/). There is more about this teaching here (http://subcreators.com/blog/god-as-father-and-mother/)

Now for the fun part: readers can sign a petition (http://www.ipetitions.com/petition/john-paul-i) to Pope Francis asking to promote his predecessor’s teaching on God’s mercy during the Jubilee. We also asked him to expedite his beatification process. Signers can also add comments. We plan to keep this up through at least September 28. Yes, we will send it to Pope Francis! Maybe we’ll even get one of his famous phone calls in return.

On our site you can also find the great news about the completion of the Positio for JPI’s beatification and the very touching part that Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI played in it. (https://popejpi.org).

Your participation over time has been so helpful. Thanks.

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