The Leader of the GOP Field Calls for the Cold-Blooded Murder of Women and Children

The Leader of the GOP Field Calls for the Cold-Blooded Murder of Women and Children December 2, 2015

This man is the most popular candidate in the GOP:

“And the other thing is with the terrorists,” he continued, “you have to take out their families. When you get these terrorists, you have to take out their families. They care about their lives, don’t kid yourselves. They say they don’t care about their lives. But you have to take out their families.”

The response of FOX & Friends to this call for murder from the Leader of the Party of Respect for Human Life?

Silence and changing the subject.

Any person who calls himself “prolife” while cheering for this man is a liar. Any Christian who cheers for this man brings the gospel into disrepute among the Gentiles.

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