Kristine Franklin Interviews Rachel Muha in a powerful episode of “Mercy Unwrapped”

Kristine Franklin Interviews Rachel Muha in a powerful episode of “Mercy Unwrapped” May 31, 2016

Kristine writes:

Rachel Muha, whose college-age son was kidnapped, brutally tormented, and murdered. Rachel’s testimony to God’s grace in helping her to forgive, even to the point of recommending AGAINST the death penalty and in fact lobbying against it for the men who killed her son, is breath-taking. In a world where vengeance is a common theme, its opposite – , the mercy of Christ – is written all over this woman’s words and life. Please listen and promote this episode if you are able – any way – FB, email, website. I believe it is crucial in this Year of Mercy that people are exposed to those who have forgiven much.

May 31 is the anniversary of Brian’s murder. Please do pray for the family, for Brian, and Rachel always pleads for prayers for the killers, Nathan and Terrell.

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