Total Sci Fi Nightmare Scenario

Total Sci Fi Nightmare Scenario February 21, 2017

What could possibly go wrong?

“[S]cientists have discovered life trapped in crystals that could be 50,000 years old. . . . The life forms – 40 different strains of microbes and even some viruses – are so weird that their nearest relatives are still 10 percent different genetically . . .”

“Though it was presented at a science conference and was the result of nine years of work, the findings haven’t yet been published in a scientific journal and haven’t been peer reviewed. Boston planned more genetic tests for the microbes she revived both in the lab and on site.”

Hey! Viruses and microbes we know nothing about which our species and no other species on earth has ever encountered since they have been gone for 50,000 years! We could just…. not revive them and not risk God knows what effects on the ecosystem. But we *do* have funding. So what the heck!

I’m sure it’s all safe and they know what they are doing. But you have to admit it is the premise of about 500 scifi movies and video games. If that woman mutates into a hellbeast bent on devouring the flesh of her cigar-chomping ex-boyfriend who feels morally conflicted about leading his troops into the nightmarish lair of death that was once her lab before her transformation, don’t say we weren’t warned. And those aren’t lab assistants anymore. When you scream, they dissolve into millions of tiny spiders and within seconds you feel yourself joining the Hivemind as an everlasting slave of the swollen Queen.

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