It’s official. You’re paying for the wall, not Mexico

It’s official. You’re paying for the wall, not Mexico March 24, 2017

Trump’s whole adult life is one long trail of betrayals. This is just one more. Just like his betrayal of the poor who believed his lies and voted for him. Of course, his wives could tell you about that too. Time was when the Party of Personal Responsibility said, “Character matters” but they prostituted that to Trump along with all the rest of their integrity.

What’s amazing is how his adoring fans love it when he stabs them in the back, just so long as they can savor somebody even weaker and poorer than themselves receiving even greater cruelty. They are like the Russian peasant confronted with an angel who promised him anything, but with the caveat that his enemy would get twice as much. “Gouge out one of my eyes and beat me half to death,” said the peasant. Envy is the stupidest sin.

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