Once the demands of necessity and propriety have been met…

Once the demands of necessity and propriety have been met… June 26, 2017

the rest of your money belongs to the poor. – Pope Leo XIII

If your first response to this is, “Makes sense” and you second is to find some way to live it out, you are blessed by a heart responsive to the Holy Spirit.

If your first and only thought in response is resentment to this thoroughly biblical, Christian, and Catholic observation, then do not kid yourself that you are deeply generous and long to pour out your largesse to the least of these, but are hampered by an intrusive, coercive state that robs you of the chance to be charitable. You are, in fact, a greedhead who resents the Church’s teaching on charity itself, not to mention her teaching on justice. Your quarrel is not with “creeping socialism”, but with the gospel.

“He who has two coats, let him share with him who has none; and he who has food, let him do likewise.” – John the Baptist (Lk 3:11)

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