Prayer Request and a Work of Mercy

Prayer Request and a Work of Mercy June 22, 2017

A reader writes:

Please pray for my father who has been diagnosed with cancer.

Father, hear our prayer for his complete healing in body, soul, and spirit.  Give his caregivers grace, compassion, wisdom, counsel, knowledge, understanding, skill, creativity, insight, and the proper technology to assist in that healing, as well as the providing the funding to pay for it. Give him and all who love him grace, peace, consolation, strength, faith, hope, and love.  Mother Mary, St. Luke and St. Peregrine, pray for them.  We ask all this through Jesus Christ our Lord.

Another reader writes:

Would you mind posting this?  I am trying to get the word out.  Our friend Stephen is a teacher in Uganda who is caring for 31 orphans and street children.  They are currently paying rent in a dangerous neighborhood, but cannot move into the finished home until the security fence is finished (this is required by the local government).  I’d greatly appreciate it!

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