Prayer Requests and a Work of Mercy

Prayer Requests and a Work of Mercy July 24, 2017

A reader writes:

Thank you for posting the request about my classmate. Here’s a crowdfunding page that’s been set up to help with his medical expenses. If you could share the link, I’d appreciate it.

Father, hear our prayer for provision and healing for Josh through your Son Jesus Christ.

Another reader writes:

I just wanted to ask you for some prayers. I’m having a lot of spiritual and faith difficulties of late, and the truth is I have very few people I could ask to pray for me. I would appreciate it a lot.

Father, hear our prayer for this man and all his needs for the gift of faith and the gift of your Spirit through Christ our Lord. Restore him to faith, hope, love, and full spiritual in the Name of Jesus Christ. Mother Mary, pray for him and for all whom he loves and with whom he has to do.

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