Last Week, the President of the United States Urged Cops to be More Brutal

Last Week, the President of the United States Urged Cops to be More Brutal August 5, 2017

in a speech so stupid and irresponsible the DEA chief had to publicly reject Trump’s calls for more violence from cops.

Mr. Trump, they have that down. Here are some cops torturing a kid with a stun gun:

This horror went on for three hours.

What we need are guardian cops who protect the community, not warrior cops who see themselves as legates of Ruling Class tasked with grinding subjects under jackboots.

The former gets you a healthy community. The latter gets you a system where cops torture kids to death by tasing their testicles, and then get off scot free. Sometime after that, it gets you a revolution or America looking something like Beirut in 1982.

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