Today’s Trumpian Assault on Common Human Decency

Today’s Trumpian Assault on Common Human Decency October 18, 2017

A reader writes:

“I read today that John Kelly evidently went to some lengths to keep his son’s death in Afghanistan private. Even when called to give a speech commemorating the deaths of several Marines within days of his own son’s death, Kelly did not mention his son and instructed the Marine introducing Kelly not to mention Kelly’s son either. Earlier this year, Kelly quietly attended a memorial golf tournament for his son that garnered no media attention, undoubtedly by design.

For Trump to mention Kelly’s son now, in the manner and context that he did, can mean only one of three things: Trump callously exploited Kelly’s son to cover his own backside after making stupid comments about Obama that have been proven false, thereby crapping on another Gold Star family. Or, he’s a moron who has no sense of discretion in conversation, thereby making you cringe at the thought of anyone giving him confidential information. Or, all of the above.

Take your pick. Whichever way you go, Trump has once more demonstrated he is completely unfit to serve.

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Since that was written Trump has also managed to insult another Gold Star family by telling a grieving widow her husband “knew what he signed up for“.

Trump is, of course, lying that it never happened and the scum of the earth are now filling up the comboxes accusing the widow of the soldier who died for their miserable skins of being a grifter and a “racist black Dem”.

This is what the Christian Trump supporter stands for this week.  Next week it will be some new low.  This vile narcissistic sociopath is what history will remember conservative Christian Trump defenders were willing to cheer for.


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