January 12, 2011

Maybe I’m a week late to discuss this article. Maybe you all read it last week on Salon and discussed it while I was off frolicking in the Pennsylvania snow with the boy. But, perhaps, you were not aware of the article titled: “Regrets of a stay-at-home-mom.” If you haven’t read it, please do because we need to talk about it. When I was brave enough to open my Tweetdeck on Sunday afternoon after nearly a week out of Twitterdom,... Read more

January 12, 2011

Maybe I’m a week late to discuss this article. Maybe you all read it last week on Salon and discussed it while I was off frolicking in the Pennsylvania snow with the boy. But, perhaps, you were not aware of the article titled: “Regrets of a stay-at-home-mom.” If you haven’t read it, please do because we need to talk about it. When I was brave enough to open my Tweetdeck on Sunday afternoon after nearly a week out of Twitterdom,... Read more

January 11, 2011

“Oh Lizzie, it’s such a pleasure to run my own home…”  -Elizabeth Bennet’s best friend, Charlotte Lucas, Pride and Prejudice (film, 2005) August and I made it home on Saturday night, despite our few hiccups: the fact that I had to pack extra bags full of baby clothes (left in storage from our move from Philly) and our Christmas presents and ask my sweet mother-in-law to help me drag them into the airport and through the line at the check-in,... Read more

January 10, 2011

“We are all seeking wholeness,” the amazing Esther de Waal writes in Living with Contradiction: An Introduction to Benedictine Spirituality, a book I’ve owned for 6 months and am finally picking up to read. She says that in The Rule of St. Benedict, we can find a handbook of healing: “St. Dunstan’s first biographer, almost a thousand years ago, described the saint as a man, ‘following the health-giving Rule of St. Benedict” (12). I’m finding myself impressed by her thought... Read more

January 6, 2011

I just rode home in the back seat of a Volkswagen with two seventeen year old girls manning the front seats, singing at the top of their lungs to Taylor Swift.  There are few things I love more in the world that singing to cheesy pop songs in the car with teenage girls.  Ahhhhh. Being home in Philadelphia is good. I’m only here for a couple more days and will finally be back to real life and an actual schedule... Read more

January 4, 2011

This is a Thankful Tuesday completely committed to my four-week trek through the homes of all my family members. I keep having friends from San Francisco texting to see if we’re finally home yet, like normal people ought to be. I know it’s extreme, but I’m really thankful that August and I have been able to spend large chunks of time with our family (and that Chris has been able to spend two of those four weeks with us).  As... Read more

January 3, 2011

Happy New Year! I’ve missed you people. I have to say first that I’m a failure and had all along intended to keep the blog updated last week, but I was having way too much fun with friends and family in Philly and decided that I was not going to feel guilty. And I didn’t. So, here I am on the last leg of my four-week odyssey across the country from Boyetts to Hohorsts and back to the west coast.... Read more

December 29, 2010

Gingerbread + Christmas cookies + pumpkin pie + staying up till 10 for three days straight playing with cousins = a very grumpy two-year-old for Christmas. (Kids are supposed to be grumpy on Christmas, right?) As much as I may have talked to August about Christmas being about Jesus and Santa only giving gifts because he loves Jesus, I still was a failure when I reminded my son: “Christmas is about how Jesus was born,” and he said: “No! That’s... Read more

December 22, 2010

For my last post of the Advent season, I’ll leave you with this lovely Advent hymn. I hope that your Christmas is full of wonder and beauty and hope. I’ll check back in with you next week. Until then, Merry Christmas! Savior of the Nations, Come Savior of the nations come, Show yourself, the virgin’s son. Marvel heaven, wonder earth, That our God chose such a birth. Not by human power or seed Did the woman’s womb conceive; Only by... Read more

December 21, 2010

It’s almost Christmas, people! Here’s why I’m thankful: After a month of co-battling a cold with August (both mine and his), it finally became bronchitis, which means we both finally got antibiotics. It’s been a month of snotty noses and shivers, yucky coughs and night-time wakings, and it’s a beautiful thing to be able to give my child medicine and let him sleep through he night without a cough. Wow, I should be so much more thankful for antibiotics than... Read more

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