A Small Meditation on the Ghosts of Elections Past

A Small Meditation on the Ghosts of Elections Past November 6, 2014

susan b anthony grave

I was quite moved when I saw this photograph of Susan B Anthony’s gravesite and all those “I voted” stickers on her gravestone.

We all owe her and those others over the many years who suffered terribly to gain this right.

I was just reading some of the analysis of Tuesday election and how the majority of voters were white men. Last I looked that wasn’t what America looks like. So, why is that what the voters look like?

I’m not a big fan of shaming. But, perhaps some of us need to do some thinking.

Those who did not vote, why?

Did someone stop you?

Were the candidates not pure enough?

Because it was inconvenient?

I’m sure the litany of justification is long.

But right now I think of Susan B Anthony’s grave. I think of those who suffered to gain the vote for all of us.

And I think of ghosts haunting us…

Those who suffered for all of us to have the right to vote can be a blessed cloud of witnesses or the shades of rebuke.

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