Learning the Language of Dragons: Unitarian Universalist Buddhist Fellowship Convocation 2017

Learning the Language of Dragons: Unitarian Universalist Buddhist Fellowship Convocation 2017 February 15, 2017


The Unitarian Universalist Buddhist Fellowship

Convocation 2017

Learning the Language of Dragons
with Roshi James Ishmael Ford

Exploring Zen Meditation and Zen Koans

March 31 – April 2
Menucha Retreat Center
Corbett, Oregon

James Ishmael Ford, Zen teacher and Unitarian Universalist minister says that Zen meditation, both its “just sitting” or “silent illumination” discipline and “koan introspection” are in fact the language of dragons. In our time together we will be introduced to the grammar of dragons, a bit of the vocabulary, and with that to throw ourselves into a little dragon language immersion.

(Reverend Ford was one of our presenters for the Convocation in 2011. Some video is available of the presentations that can be found here)

Menucha Lodge overlooks the beautiful Columbia River Gorge, designated as a national scenic area with the greatest concentration of waterfalls in North America.

The schedule of the event: draft schedule here.

Total Cost:

$475 for a single (private bath)
$300 for a double (private bath)
$225 for a triple (may have private bath)
$200 for a dorm (4+) (may have private bath)


Follow this link for registration

Questions? Ask: Sam Trumbore minister*at*albanyuu.org (*at* -> @ before emailing)

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