September 15, 2006

I finished Jack Good’s book, The Dishonest Church. It was an okay read. I clearly don’t agree with everything he says. But the basic issue he has is that pastors are not being honest with their churches. In his case, he thinks that if they don’t believe in, say, the divinity of Jesus, then they should be honest and preach that from their pulpits. Good is convinced that the congregation may appreciate the honesty, probably admit that’s what they believe... Read more

September 14, 2006

This morning about 10 young mothers came in with their children to hang out in our newly updated toddler room. They brought snacks and I put on some coffee. Not generic stuff, but quality stuff made by Randy and Glenn, a couple of local guys with a successful coffee business in town called Java Moose. Only two of the moms come to our church. The others loved it, and we agreed that they could use the room at their discretion.... Read more

September 14, 2006

Congratulations REX! You won the mug: You’re very wise comment, “WOOF!”, paid off. Next time, try to limit your words 8) It will be delivered to your door. Stay tuned for the next contest when the mug will have an original piece of my art assigned to it. Stay tuned for today’s post later. Read more

September 13, 2006

Okay, last chance to enter the contest simply by making a comment. Enter the draw now for a mug. Go to this post and make a comment and win the mug! Read more

September 13, 2006

One of the things I’ve come to discover over the last several years of serving the church is that theology is at the root of our actions. Bad theology can lead to bad actions. Good theology can lead to good ones. I’m generalizing of course, because we all know that no matter how right our thinking may be, we still make mistakes. However, I’m quite certain that if we examine something that went terribly wrong, we will usually if not... Read more

September 12, 2006

Hey everyone! Just a reminder to enter the contest simply by making a comment. DON’T BE AFRAID! Enter the draw for a mug. Go to this post and make a comment and win the mug! Read more

September 12, 2006

I feel like my church is changing. It used to be a tight fellowship. The whole church had a commune feel to it. If you were a part of the church, it had an all-or-nothing aura about it. If you signed up, you were signing up for 100% commitment. There are pros and cons to this. One pro was those involved were very committed, making for incredible energy and vision. A con was that it tended to stratify people into... Read more

September 12, 2006

Morning y’all! This isn’t going to be the main entry for the day, but I thought you might have a little bit of fun with it. Even I, with a limited income, being mostly self-employed, am in the top ten percentile! A humbling revelation. Give it a shot and see where you stand. Add or subtract a thousand and watch your status move! CLICK HERE TO GO THERE! Read more

September 11, 2006

Hey everyone! Just a reminder to enter the contest simply by making a comment. Come on now, you can do it! We have everything from extremely verbose to extremely, well, not… the briefest being “woof” by REX. All for a mug. Go to this post and make a comment and win the mug! Read more

September 11, 2006

Here’s something I’m thinking about today. Oswald Chambers said: Jesus’ “teaching is always anti-self-realization” (My Utmost For His Highest). Paul said, “you have come to fullness in him (Christ)” (Colossians 2:9). These two sentences endeavor to articulate a profound mystery. In a culture which prides itself in not only technological advances, not only social, educational, industrial, medical and political advances, but also intellectual, psychological and emotional advances, words like “anti-self-realization” and concepts like “you’ve already come to completion in Christ”... Read more

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