Leadership Changes at CUUPS

Leadership Changes at CUUPS August 14, 2017

CUUPS-logo-largeAugust 11, 2017

Dear Members, Friends, and Colleagues;

It is with deep regret that the Board of Trustees of the Covenant of Unitarian Universalist Pagans, Inc (CUUPS) has accepted the resignation of Rev. Amy Beltaine as both president and a member of the board.

Jerrie Hildebrand, former VP for Communications, has been named to the role of Interim President by the Board of Trustees. She will work with the board, executive director, and the liaison from the UUA to create a smooth transition for the organization.

Amy has been a member of CUUPS since 1989 and has served the organization in many roles since the mid-1990s, and has served as President since 2013. She has fostered relationships with CUUPS chapters and their host congregations across the country as part of her itinerant ministry. During Amy’s presidency, she and the board worked on the following accomplishments:

1.) Creating norms for best practices for our work together;

2.) Establishing relationships with organizations within the UUA to create partnerships of support;

3.) Crafting the language of CUUPS support with various social justice issues;

4.) Organizing and implementing infrastructures for smoother communications; leadership development, connections to chapters and members; writing board job description portfolios linked to the vision and mission, a year-round nominating committee, and recruitment of off-board leaders for committees;

5.) Supporting the reinstitution of CUUPS Convocation;

6.) Encouraging the development of a book about UU Paganism;

7.) Investigating the relationship with all earth and nature centered traditions and how to operate beyond models that are locked into issues of race, classism, and other practices that divide humanity.


In a note from Amy, she writes:

After much discernment and consultation, I realized that at this time I can better serve the mission of CUUPS by moving aside from the board to allow new leadership to emerge. I remain convinced that the Unitarian Universalist movement is stronger with a robust continental network of earth and deities-relating folks. It has been a privilege and a pleasure to move the mission of CUUPS forward and to connect with members and chapters throughout the organization.

I extend all best wishes to the board and the organization going forward. You will still hear from me through the Nature’s Path blog on Patheos. I will use my newly available time to focus on my ministry, my other volunteer work and my family.

The board of CUUPS wishes Amy the very best of delights in having more time for family and the important business of living, and wish her tremendous success wherever life takes her in the years ahead.


Jerrie Hildebrand, Interim President & Communications
Debra Gilbert, Vice-President of Membership & Chapter Development
Maggie Beaumont, Curriculum Development
Pamela Backstrom, Corporate Secretary
Imari Kariotis, Board Member at Large


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