Top Seven Quotes from Catalyst

Top Seven Quotes from Catalyst October 11, 2012

I absolutely loved Catalyst Conference. It was more than just breaking a Guinness World record for most paper airplanes thrown at one time. It was more than experiencing a new way to concert with the Dan Deacon app and a strong Michael Jackson medley. It was more than Tripp and Tyler holding a gun to Jeff Foxworthy and cracking me up time and time again.

It was the speakers. Men and women of God whom God is using to shape the Kingdom today in America and around the world. Their words inspired me to do more for the Kingdom here in Columbus. Here are some of my top quotes that I bombarded you with last week:

God gets more mileage out of adversity than anything else in your lifeAndy Stanley. Many Christians want nothing but success and happiness in life. Andy reminded us that God does his best work in the valleys. Let God mold you in adversity. Don’t run from it.

People need to be reminded more than they need to be instructedPatrick Lencioni. There is nothing new under the sun. As much as we seek new information, our job as leaders is to simply remind people of timeless truths in creative and compelling ways.

If you need to be certain of something, you will do nothing” Executive Producer Mark Burnett. You’ll never be 100% certain about anything. That’s why life takes faith. Don’t live a life of fear. Live a life of faith.

It’s better to be marked by God than marketed by manChristine Caine. In today’s age of social media domination, too many leaders receive validation based off of Twitter followers and Facebook likes. God’s anointing is the only thing a Christian should strive after. That’s what will make the difference in your life.

God will never be handicapped by your failures or unleashed by your successesJon Acuff. We must never get to the point where we think we become indispensable to the Kingdom. God is God. We are not. We need to continually remember our place of humility.

If you’re not leading with a little uncertainty now and then, then you’re not leading by faithCraig Groeschel. Much like Burnett’s quote, Groeschel challenged us to put our big boy pants on and move forward into the storm of life. Live by faith.

We are never going to make Christianity so cool that everyone wants to become a Christian. Don’t give Jesus a makeoverMatt Chandler. In today’s trend to make Christianity marketable to a new generation, Chandler warns us against going too far. If we dilute the gospel to make it more appealing, it’s no longer the gospel.

If you’re a Christian wanting to make a difference and you want to go with us next year to this amazing conference, let me know!

QUESTION: Which one of these quotes makes an impact on you?

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