A Muslim convert

A Muslim convert October 28, 2016

Not to Christian faith but to none.

Born in Pakistan and now a physician in Toronto, Ali Rizvi grew up in Saudi Arabia.  When Muslim terrorists started attacking innocents in the 1980s, he was repeatedly told by his parents and other Muslims, “That has nothing to do with Islam.” So he decided to read the Quran for himself.

“He read the Koran in English, a language he had mastered in international schools. To his horror, he found that the book appeared to sanction virtually all that the Saudis were doing: hacking limbs, beating wives, and beheading polytheists. When he presented the offending verses to community elders, they merely offered further excuses, dismissing famed translator N.J. Dawood as an Iraqi ‘Yahoodi’ (Jew) who was not to be trusted. Any passages that seemed problematic, he was told, were due either to Muslim misinterpretation or were relevant only to a certain time or place (never mind that Islam claims to be God’s final revelation and Muhammad the model for all mankind). Rizvi had heard enough. He became convinced that most of the Muslims in his life were good people not because of their creed, but despite it.”

For a review of The Atheist Muslim, click here.

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