Bearing fruit in old age

Bearing fruit in old age February 19, 2017


The Psalmist wrote that the righteous “still bear fruit in old age; they are ever full of sap and green” (Ps 92.12, 14). I don’t know if the legendary architect Frank Lloyd Wright (1867-1959) was righteous (his life included, according to the Wall Street Journal, “a scandal-making affair, a murdered lover . . . three marriages and two divorces”), but he was an extraordinary illustration of bearing fruit in old age. 

Wright designed 300 buildings over the course of his career, and a full one hundred of them were designed in his eighties.  This according to yesterday’s WSJ magazine.

Being fruitful later in life was confirmed by a report I read recently.   A sociologist studied intellectuals and leaders of various sorts, and discovered that their most influential decade was their sixties.  Their second-most influential decade was their fifties.  Third was their seventies.

So . . . most of you have a lot to look forward to!

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