From the editor’s desk: Harvest Time

From the editor’s desk: Harvest Time October 22, 2012

As I explained last week, I’m going to try out making a weekly editor’s post, usually linked to the calendar, the seasons, or current events. Here’s this week’s installment.

We’ve been celebrating harvest season in my household. The kitchen counter is lined with giant pumpkins, there’s popcorn drying on the cob, and we’re eating apples with every meal.

Maybe that’s why I noticed the other day that the final installment in a series about food and pregnancy had been left unposted since last winter. I interviewed Selina Rifkin before I sat down to write, so these posts are filled with her insights. Check them out:

I also posed this question on Facebook, but I’ll ask it here too: What were your pregnancy cravings? And what are you enjoying eating this October?

Sarah Whedon is Chair of the Department of Theology and Religious History at Cherry Hill Seminary and is the founding editor of Pagan Families: Resources for Pagan Pregnancy and Birth. Sarah’s teaching, research, and advocacy work center around topics of spirituality, feminism, and reproduction. She makes her home in San Francisco with her partner and their children.



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