June Link Round-Up: Our words, our pictures, our bodies

June Link Round-Up: Our words, our pictures, our bodies July 1, 2014

Here’s a look back at June from the Pagan Families perspective:

Pagan Families contributor Hannah E. Johnston released Children of the Green: Raising our Kids in Pagan Traditions. Get your copy from the Pagan Families bookstoreIn celebration, our Flash Points theme last month was Beyond Mommy Blogging, which got some great posts about writing while parenting little ones.

In honor of Facebook’s new breastfeeding photo policy, we shared lots of breastfeeding photos on our Facebook page. And then we shared lots of babywearing photos. We talked about breastfeeding a lot, but we affirmed that every way of nourishing a baby is beautiful.

We read a couple of things around the web:

And also offline: 

“‘Women’s bodies are so miraculous.’ ‘Yes,’ I said, my own eyes filling, ‘Miraculous.’ Always miraculous, no matter how many times you give witness to a woman giving birth.”
-Elayne Clift in Birth Ambassadors: Doulas and the Re-Emergence of Woman-Supported Birth in America

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