SciFi Fantasy Books for Kids that have Disabled Characters

SciFi Fantasy Books for Kids that have Disabled Characters July 5, 2013

Over at Reddit there is a pretty good thread where people are recommending Young Adult and Children’s SciFi/Fantasy books where a character has a disability. It was started by KristaDBall.

Hey everyone! In my new book, I have an amputee character. A mother of a seven year old contacted me to ask why I did it and I explained how my own Mom is an amputee, and people like her are underrepresented in fiction.
She agreed and said there are almost no books out there for her daughter, with characters like her daughter. Well! This can’t be right.
I’m putting together a list of books in all genres and age groups for this lady, so that her little girl can have plenty of books to read now and later.
If you know of any, especially fantasy or SF, please share. Thanks!!

“Brian Eames’ The Dagger Quick is the first book of a YA historical fantasy trilogy about pirates and the main character, Christopher, has clubfoot.” Trinza

“For children? I remember really enjoying The Little Lame Prince when i was younger. In it, a paraplegic prince finds escape from isolation with a magic cloak.” Catnik

Incarceron and its sequel feature a main character with seizures. Probably the only fantasy book I have seen that represented my disability, it was wonderful :)” ladraove

“The First Law trilogy by Joe Abercrombie. One of the main characters is fondly called the cripple!” penguincckt
“The First Law is really popular with the seven-year old female demographic. Lots of romance …” ManceRaider

“There is a book I remember reading in 5th grade about a boy in a wheelchair who gets a dragon … It is called Eddie’s Blue Winged Dragon by C.S. Adler. It is about a boy with cerebral palsy who gets a pet dragon.” Nimorphi

“One more youth-friendly book I can think of is Spellbound by Blake Charlton. The disability in that book isn’t physical, but is instead a form of dyslexia. The author himself overcame dyslexia, and it actually plays a central role in the plot.” Wilmore

What books would you reccommend for children and young adults that are SciFi/Fantasy and have a disabled character?

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