McLaren Interview

McLaren Interview June 1, 2006

I just listened to a really good interview on this podcasting site called “bleeding purple.” Props to my friend Tracy Stewart for bringing it to my attention. It’s a very interesting conversation between the podcaster, Lief, and one of the leaders of the emergent conversation, Brian McLaren. They get into some stuff about the dominant view of Hell in our day and our view of God in light of this view. The conversation drifts into a little bit about relativism, deity of Christ…not very detailed but certainly thought provoking. I think the interviewer is a little fringe, but McLaren has some interesting things to say. I’d love to have some of you guys listen to these and discuss them w/me here.

The first interview isn’t that great, but you sort of need the last 15 minutes of it for the second part to make sense.

Part One
Part Two

yeah man!

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