John Franke on “An Evangelical Social Gospel?”

John Franke on “An Evangelical Social Gospel?” May 20, 2011

“In this remarkable and enjoyable book Tim Suttle draws on the theology of Walter Rauschenbusch in offering a holistic account of the Gospel that is truly good news for the world. In so doing he reminds us that the invitation to follow Jesus and participate in the mission of God involves all that we are in an effort to create a society in which the will of God is done on earth as it is in heaven.”

John R. Franke, Biblical Seminary

Thank you for the kind review Dr. Franke! If you are looking for some good summer reading, I can recommend a couple of great books by John Franke. His most recent is called Manifold Witness, and it is about the plural nature of truth. He’s also the author of Beyond Foundationalism, which is a classic.

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