Monday Morning Confessional – Praying for Matt Nagel

Monday Morning Confessional – Praying for Matt Nagel April 2, 2012

I confess that my friend & Paperback Theology reader Matt Nagel had a stroke on Sunday while running with friends. After two surgeries he is fighting for his life at KU Medical Center while his brain swells far beyond the point of significant risk. I confess that I am heartsick. I confess that I will spend the day praying for Matt, Molly & their family, as well as the Hope Center Family. I confess that I hope you will pray with me, too.

I confess that when I feel like this I return to the prayers we have been taught to pray by the saints who have gone before us. This is The Book of Common Prayer’s Prayer for Recovery from Sickness:

Oh God, the strength of the weak and the comfort of sufferers: Mercifully accept our prayers and grant to your servant Matthew the help of your power, that his sickness may be turned into health, and our sorrow into joy; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

Matt’s caring bridge site is:

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