When Geeks War and Catholics Troll

When Geeks War and Catholics Troll June 9, 2017

RalfHuels (photographer), Anja Arenz, Chris Kunz, Dossmo, Niamh, Paolo Tratzky, Svenja Schoenmackers / , via Wikimedia Commons

I’m going to talk about Geekdom–communities of enthusiasts or fans–for a little bit. Bear with me.

One of the things self-professed “geeks” often argue about–and geeks LOVE to argue–is what it means to be a “geek,” and who qualifies. Sometimes the debate is playful, but sometimes it’s an attempt to exclude people for being “fake geeks.”

When the question came up again in a couple different places recently, I put some thought into it. Why is this such a perennial debate, and what can it tell us about the divisions in other communities?

The answer to “what is a geek” seems clear enough when you use the word as a verb. Generally, if someone is “geeking out,” they are enthusing, effusive, interested in everything related to the object of geekiness, unabashed, unironic in their tastes, unconcerned with impressing anyone else, caught up in the subject–sometimes to the point of obsessiveness–fairly glowing with positive excitement over the virtues of the subject.

If enthusiasm is what unites geeks, then what is it that divides us? Why do even well-meaning geeks find themselves at odds, and why do a smaller number seem to be more interested in nitpicking and exclusion than in celebrating the actual object of their professed interest?

There is a division of sorts in here between geeks who take their obsessiveness to the next level of becoming very involved in deep analysis of their favourite subject, and those who prefer merely to celebrate the aspects of the fandom that they find particularly attractive. This division may have something to do with why the question of “who/what is a geek” comes up so often.

(Beginning to see the applicability to communities of faith?)…

Continued at The Personalist Project


Image credit: “Ready for Battle” by RalfHuels (photographer), Anja Arenz, Chris Kunz, Dossmo, Niamh, Paolo Tratzky, Svenja Schoenmackers / , via Wikimedia Commons

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