Ramadhan 2016 – Day 26 (At-Tahreem)

Ramadhan 2016 – Day 26 (At-Tahreem) July 1, 2016

quran day 26

The last chapter in the tasbeeh block. Like At-Talaq (its twin which directly precedes) , it focuses on the spiritual leadership of the nabi personality. These two chapter effectively complement the rest of the tasbih block which gives more of a believer’s perspective.


Ch 66 opens with the a call to the nabi not to forbid himself what has been made available for him, seeking to please his companions. Instructions are then given to the companions about managing confidential information and how the nabi is informed by unseen sources.


Vs 6 is a single aya call telling those who have believed in the system of the nabi to protect themselves from the fire whose fuel are people and stones (symbolizing hearts made from stones and or institutions which are reified).


Vs 8 is the final call to those who believed, telling them to return to Allah with a sincere return. Allah with thus place them in the garden.


Vs 6-12 is the final call to the nabi. He is told to strive against those who oppress the system of peace. He is given examples which illuminate the condition the system is in. The first two are the partners of nuh and luth who were oppressors even though their partners were not. This could link back to the companions in the early part of this chapter. The second is the partner o firaun which shows the system of the nabi within a system of oppression.


Finally, the solution comes in the symbol of Maryam, who is a cog in the cultivators (abnaatu ‘imraan). Despite that, she protected her sex and was thus given the spirit and was confirmed by the concepts and writs and made essentiallised as a devotee.


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