God and man (and woman) at Yale, I mean Harvard.

God and man (and woman) at Yale, I mean Harvard. April 1, 2008

Turns out that it’s the religious types that are raising a voice for doing things the natural way – the way that nature intended – at Harvard and other Ivy League schools.

Not everyone bought into the sexual revolution and I’m convinced that younger and younger people are refusing it because they’ve lived through the fallout of the sexual revolution and know that it doesn’t work. No doubt, you’ve heard about the hooking up culture. If you’ve been on or near a secular university campus in recent years, you certainly know more than enough.

But all is not lost; it never is. Students at Ivy League universities, particularly Catholic students, are creating groups to support their view of sex and sexuality, a view which is increasingly backed up by human experience and a growing body of research.

Hmmmm….maybe religion doesn’t always run counter to reason….just maybe. Here’s the article.

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