The Prodigal You Love: Finalist for Major Award! (And Embarrassing Videos)

The Prodigal You Love: Finalist for Major Award! (And Embarrassing Videos) April 28, 2015

letter2I don’t always know how my book, The Prodigal You Love: Inviting Loved Ones Back to the Church, has affected readers. But God gives me an occasional glimpse to encourage me to trust that his inspiration is bearing fruit.

The other day a woman wrote me a letter. She told me that she keeps my book on her bedstand and that it has changed her life. I was so moved that she made the effort to send me a letter. Just when I start to feel discouraged about my writing or to wonder if my book is really helping people invite their loved ones back to the Church, God sends me little messages through people like this kind woman.

I also just found out that The Prodigal You Love has been nominated as a finalist in the Association of Catholic Publishing’s  “Excellence in Publishing” Awards in the General Interest Category. (I should add that several other books from Pauline Books and Media were finalists in other categories including Prayer and You by Sr. Mary Lea Hill, FSP, I Forgive You by Nicole Lataif, The Story of Saint John Paul II: The Boy Who Became Pope by Fabiola Garza and Discovery at Dawn by Sr. Maria Grace Dateno, FSP). I am so humbled by this recognition and I really give all the praise to the Lord (because without his help there would be no book).

I also am excited and hope that this award will be an opportunity for more publicity so that the book can reach more people and help them invite their loved ones back to the Church.

If you have not read the book yet, I, (of course!), encourage you to give it a try. You can download a free chapter here. You can also download a free supplement for book clubs here. Even if you do not have loved ones away from the Church, or you do but are not really that concerned about it, this book is first and foremost spiritual nourishment. It would be helpful to any Catholic, and open-minded non-Catholics, in their journey with God.

But if you do have loved ones who are away from the Church, this book will definitely encourage and help you in your interactions with loved ones. I know this with such surety that I would give the book away for free if I could!

Ok, so that’s the big news here.

I will leave you with a little BLINK segment that I did for Catholic TV for the Year of Consecrated Life, (even though it makes me cringe to see myself talk on video). And I will also leave you with a show in which Sr. Marianne Lorraine and Sr. Marie-Paul appeared to talk about the Year of Consecrated Life, (which also includes one of my BLINK segments about Blessed James Alberione).



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