7 Reasons Millennials Are So Done With This Election

7 Reasons Millennials Are So Done With This Election July 26, 2016


The 2016 presidential primaries have officially come to an end with the Democratic National Convention this week in Philadelphia, and we have our two candidates: Donald Trump for the Republicans, and Hillary Clinton for the Democrats.

The general election may be just beginning, but many of us on both sides are already exhausted from a pair of primaries to remember. As we head into the last few months before America decides her next president, millennials like me are disgruntled about a few things, and the way these issues are addressed (or not addressed, as it may be) will determine which way we vote, or if we end up voting at all.

Let’s get this one out of the way first:

7.) Both Candidates Are A Disaster

I’m not gonna sugar-coat this: most millennials are not fans of Hillary Clinton. Ignore the spin of the article I linked; at the bottom you get to the relevant part, where Clinton has a net favorable rating of -29% among millennials.

Now, this would be an absolute travesty for any Democratic candidate in any election year, but it’s mitigated by the fact that Trump’s unfavorables are even worse, somehow.

We just don’t like these candidates. One of them is a narcissistic lying warmonger who feels entitled to the presidency because they’ve lived a life of privilege for so long…

…and the other is the idiot from The Apprentice.

Sorry, I had to.

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