February 24, 2021

The last many months have been hard for most people. We are hungry — for food, for human connection, for a sense of belonging and groundedness in a hurting world.  It is against this backdrop that Jews are preparing to celebrate the holiday of Purim, which this year begins on February 25th, but last year began on March 9th (2020). That means, for many Jews, last year’s Purim celebrations were the start of their experience of the global pandemic. It... Read more

January 28, 2021

We need robust, comprehensive, and genuine friendships between Jews and Muslims in the United States, and ones which go far beyond discussions of the Israel-Palestine conflict. For many years I’ve been significantly involved in what’s often referred to as “interfaith work” between the Jewish and Muslim communities throughout Metro Atlanta. I am proud to be the first Jewish member and speaker with the Islamic Speakers Bureau of Atlanta. In my capacity as a current board member with the Jewish Community Relations... Read more

January 16, 2020

Last year, officials in 6 states considered permitting study of the Bible in classrooms. President Trump has tweeted support, and later this week plans new “guidance on constitutional prayer in school,” threatening to reignite old debates. Read more

January 14, 2020

Gen. Qassem Soleimani’s killing is roiling Iran – including some people who don’t necessarily follow military affairs – for religious and cultural reasons related to the country’s Shii Muslim history. Absent from most analysis of Iran’s response to the United States’ military action is that Shiism as a separate sect was born of political assassinations. Read more

January 8, 2020

Theologians wrestle with many knotty questions, such as: Why do innocent people suffer? The mention of Franz Bibfeldt, however, can melt even the iciest solemnity among not only theologians, but also clergy, students of religion and even atheists. As one reviewer wrote, “The world needs a little more Bibfeldt.” Read more

December 11, 2019

Mennonites in Mexico are promoting a bright new Christmas tradition, the “Parade of Lights” nighttime procession of decorated vehicles, to give local people – Mennonite and Mexican alike – a safe, family-friendly way to celebrate Christmas amid growing violence. Read more

November 21, 2019

President Erdoğan said recently that Turkey will restore damaged churches in northeastern Syria. In his own country, Christians declined from nearly 25% in 1914 to less than 0.5% today. The current international and domestic context makes their future uncertain. Read more

November 13, 2019

The Islamic State’s caliphate was never widely recognized among the global Muslim community and no longer has significant territory. But the Islamic State still uses the history of the caliph to push their claims. Read more

November 11, 2019

Religious diversity among U.S. military chaplains began in World War I, initially based on a "tri-faith" approach—Protestant, Catholic & Jewish. Today, over over 200 denominations and religious groups are recognized. Read more

November 8, 2019

Most accounts of the Nazis’ brutal assault on the Jews during “Kristallnacht” emphasize the attacks on synagogues and shops and mass arrests of men. Attacks on Jewish homes, however, are barely mentioned. It’s an aspect of the story that has rarely been researched and written about – until now. Read more

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