Doctor Who: The Beast Below

Doctor Who: The Beast Below April 16, 2010

I just watched the second episode of the latest Doctor Who season, “The Beast Below.” I won’t post any spoilers, since most readers may not have had a chance to see this episode yet. But presumably I won’t spoil it for anyone if I say that this episode is wonderful, one of the most intelligent bits of sci-fi in any episode of this series or most others for that matter. It has mystery but also satisfying revelations that solve the mysteries and answer the questions raised in satisfactory ways. It takes a close look at the nasty side of human nature, but also expresses optimism.

The overall plot is reminiscent of a certain episode of Star Trek: The Next Generation, but I won’t say more about that in the post itself, since that too might give things away. But I’ll say now that there is no reason to keep the comments spoiler free, and anyone avoiding spoilers should watch the episode before viewing the comments.

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