Technology, Teaching, Scholarship – and Surprises

Technology, Teaching, Scholarship – and Surprises November 18, 2010

The Stoa Consortium shares evidence that open access scholarship gets cited more frequently in other scholarly literature – yet one more argument in its favor.

The Archaeology of the Mediterranean World discusses the relationship between blogging, peer review, and scholarly research and publication, with a concrete example of material that was blogged, presented, and published.

There has been some discussion of the making available online of vodcasts of lectures and classes. One issue that needs more attention is that of classes being secretly recorded, and/or videos of classes being edited so as to misrepresent what transpired.

A good sign that is catching on is that it now has a competitor – one presumably aimed only at younger scholars, since to older ones it will sound like it is devoted to a scholarly scandal.

 Inside Higher Ed has an article on issues of academic honesty, technology, and generational divides.

New Scientist has an article on how technology is transforming – and enhancing – the book.

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