The Unsurprising Intersection of Islam and Science Fiction

The Unsurprising Intersection of Islam and Science Fiction September 8, 2016

IO9 highlighted what it called the “surprising” intersection of Islam and sci-fi. The only thing surprising, to me, was that this is described as surprising – and that seems to just be a case of a clickbait title, since the article itself explains why this should not be surprising. The long history of pioneering exploration in both philosophy and science in the Islamic world makes this a natural, and we have seen the exploration of Islamic themes by non-Muslim science fiction as well- Frank Herbert’s Dune series and the radical monotheism of the Cylons on the rebooted Battlestar Galactica are just a couple of examples that come immediately to mind.

You can download an anthology of sci-fi short stories inspired by Islamic themes and cultures for free. It is called Islamicates Volume I.

Islamicates Vol.1

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