Where are the Alien Overlords when you Need Them?

Where are the Alien Overlords when you Need Them? February 6, 2017

SMBC realistic alien invasion

I literally laughed out loud when I reached the end of this SMBC comic.

I have been watching Colony, which turned out to have some very interesting religious elements in it. It is a story of alien invasion set in the United States, which raises questions about how we view those who build walls and those who seek to circumvent them, about collaboration and about those who engage in acts of terrorism against their oppressors and those who collaborate with them. The new religion that appears in the wake of the advent of the aliens would make for a fascinating study in terms of its realism or otherwise when compared with new religions that emerged in history after the arrival of colonial powers.

Now that Iโ€™ve seen this comic, and think of Colony as set in the near future, I may interpret the show in a rather different wayโ€ฆ

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