God is Green: Evangelicals Are Taking A Stand on Climate Change

God is Green: Evangelicals Are Taking A Stand on Climate Change August 1, 2014

Yesterday, I was interviewed by my friends at NPR on the recent growing trend of Evangelicals taking a stand on climate change. Check out the report and interview below!

“On Wednesday, the Environmental Protection Agency wrapped up two days of public hearings on its proposed climate rule that would curb carbon emissions from the nation’s powers plants.

The comment sessions drew an audience more diverse than the usual make-up of energy executives, coal lobbyists, and environmental activists.

Among the crowd, and included as speakers, were a surprising number of faith leaders, Evangelicals and conservative Christians who were there not against, but in support of the Obama Administration’s position on climate action.

Brandan Robertson is the Founder of The Revangelical Movement and a representative of the growing number of those in the religious right who also see environmentalism as a religious and civic priority.

“Many conservative Christians pegged the issues around climate change as something that only liberals did or something that was actually opposed to the Christian message,” says Robertson. “This was mainly because conservative Evangelicals and Catholics tended to have a human-centered view that saw the Earth as an object that humans have been given to dominate and exploit for our own benefit. When it was all used up, Jesus would return, destroy the world, and take Christians to heaven. That is, of course, an oversimplification.”

Robertson says that a new wave of conservative Christians and religious organizations have begun taking leadership roles, adding that the views of climate change denialists are inadequate, destructive, and even “unbiblical” in some senses.

“Throughout The Bible, there are clear passages that describe the sacredness of the Earth,” says Robertson. “The Bible paints a picture at the end that says humanity will actually exist on our planet forever.””


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